Founder and creator-producer: Patrice Naiambana
Associate producer: Lara Week
Tribal Soul Arts creates innovative and functional interdisciplinary art by bringing experienced artists into fruitful collaborations with citizens and communities.
We have four imperatives that shape our work:
1. Culturepreneurship: Offering creative apprenticeships and learning for sustainable livelihoods
2. Social Transformation: Contributing to practical positive change
3. Legacy: Documenting and disseminating marginalised narratives
4. Shared History: Cultivating an inclusive way of looking at our past, present and future
Our projects take a variety of forms, from fully-fledged theatre productions to informal public sharings, to performance seminars and workshops. Our participants come from a range of sectors, and include professional performing artists, young people and early years, mental health staff and service users, university students, and community groups. We have facilitated creative projects in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Canada, and Hong Kong.